In 1994, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif gave an interview to the Washington Post…
In this interview, he told that in 1991, Pak Army Chief General Aslam Baig and Intelligence Agency ISI Chief General Asad Durrani had put a plan in front of him. This was the plan to sell heroin...
Yes, the Pakistan Army and intelligence agency had offered to sell heroin to the country's PM. According to Nawaz Sharif, secret military operations were to be funded with the money received from selling drugs.
Even today, Nawaz Sharif's party is in power in Pakistan, his brother Shahbaz Sharif is the Prime Minister. Even today Pakistan Army and ISI are involved in the drug business.
The economy of Pakistan may be going through a crisis, but the condition of the economy of the Pakistani Army is not that bad.
Understand the size of this drugs economy like this…
Pakistan has sought a loan of $6 billion from the IMF to overcome the economic crisis.
The drug trade through Pakistan is worth $5 billion annually.
Understand, how this drug economy of Pakistan Army and ISI is continuously flourishing despite Pakistan's economic crisis.
'Golden Crescent' supplies drugs to the world since the 1970s
There are two hubs of drug trade on both sides of India. On one side is the Golden Crescent of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan and on the other side is the Death Triangle of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.
Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan have been called the 'Golden Crescent' since the days of the Russian military presence in Afghanistan.
But this name was given not because of the economic growth of the region, but because of its being a smugglers' paradise. Since that time, this whole area was infamous for the cultivation of opium and smuggling of drugs made from it.
85% of the world's opium grows in Pakistan's neighboring Afghanistan
Governments have changed in Afghanistan, but opium cultivation has never stopped in the tribal areas.
Today Afghanistan is the largest producer of opium in the world. Figures from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) show that in 2020, 85% of the opium produced worldwide was grown in Afghanistan.
Opium is also used directly for intoxication and many types of drugs are made from it. Heroin is considered to be the most expensive in this.
International drug trade experts say that Afghanistan is the source of 80% of the heroin consumed in the world.
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